How to use, store and wash cloth diapers
After changing a diaper, place the wet diaper in a dry diaper pail or in a wetbag. If the baby is eating solids then dump the poop into the toilet prior to placing the diaper in the pail/wetbag.
On wash day, put the contents of your wetbag into your washing machine. Try to launder soiled cloth diapers every 2 to 3 days.
The basic recommended wash routine is:
On wash day, put the contents of your wetbag into your washing machine. Try to launder soiled cloth diapers every 2 to 3 days.
The basic recommended wash routine is:
- Run a pre-wash cold or warm rinse with optionally a little bit of detergent.
- Run a long hot water wash cycle using a laundry detergent that is free of brighteners, dyes, softeners, bleach and synthetic fragrances. These additives can build-up on the cloth diapers, irritating baby's skin and impeding absorbency.
- Run two cold or warm rinses.
- Line dry or tumble dry.